5 fundamental tips for remote work

In times when extreme changes are required, some aspects can be faced as challenges applied to our daily routine. We face changes in our job environment, in the way we interact with others and also with the way we organize our strategies. In such a little time we had to think about how this kind of question would affect our bodies and minds, keep in mind that we take some time to be adapted to all changes and new practices. With this reflection, we’re here to reinforce the five key tips to keep the productivity and effectiveness of remote work

  1. Create a routine: define and maintain the work schedule as you were going to the office. Keep in mind that it is important to maintain the daily routine. Wake up, take a shower, have a nice and calm breakfast and put an appropriate clothing for work.
  2. Communication: keep an aligned communication with your team is essential for the home office success. You can use digital tools to make video calls, this helps to improve communications and minimizes interpretation errors.
  3. Have a workplace: It’s important to keep your body used to a work routine, to help with it, you can have a specific place for work. Make your daily plans and put some limits on the other residents. This way they can understand your activities and respect your workplace.
  4. Talk about your tasks and results: talk with your team about your tasks, results and how you’re going with them. Discuss strategies, review planning, improve processes and celebrate achievements.
  5. Focus on work: although the environmental differences, the focus must be kept. Avoid distractions like social media and electronic devices that aren’t part of your job routine. In case you have children, talk with them and explain the importance of your work, keeping the time to spend with them outside your work time.

You can also use your free time to improve your knowledge. Many recognized colleges, like Harvard and FGV are offering free online courses that can help you in several aspects related with your professional development. If you have time, you should check them.

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